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Alcohol-Related Mental Disturbances


Alcohol-related mental disturbances


The physical consequences of abusing alcohol are undoubtedly tragic and devastating, but the ensuing mental, moral, and spiritual catastrophes are much more devastating and depressing. The brain is the physical organ through which the mind functions and everything that threatens the brain's health also threatens the mind. It won't be able to perceive things as clearly as it did previously, nor will it be able to rationally control its urges and emotions.

celestial order throughout the body. This is 

A clear understanding of a subject requires recognition and acceptance of a few general laws, or principles. Here, we take it for granted that good health in the human body is the standard heavenly order on the earthly plane of existence and that any disruption of this order exposes the individual to harmful influences that are intrinsically bad and infernal. The mental and spiritual plane, or degree of existence, is situated above and rests upon the natural and physical plane while man exists in this world. When reason is clear and cravings and passions are wisely controlled, this degree is in perfect order. However, if this delicate balance is upset or lost for any reason, a path is then cleared for the entrance of more subtly malevolent forces than those that infiltrate the body, as they possess the ability to influence both reason and desires, clouding the former and arousing the latter. 

Alcohol-related mental disturbances

We are aware of the unavoidable link between mental instability and physical health decline. When a disease is far from the brain, the disturbance is usually minimal; however, as the illness gets closer to that organ, the disturbance gets worse. It manifests itself in a variety of ways depending on a person's personality, temperament, or genetic makeup, but it almost always results in a predominance of evil rather than good. There will be anxiety, rudeness, self-centered demands, mental obscurity, unreasonable demands, or even vicious and cruel tendencies where reason rules with tolerance and loving kindness when the brain is not affected by illness. If the brain disease continues to worsen, so will the mental illness that develops as a result of an organic disturbance or degradation, leading to the possibility of insanity in one or more of its many depressing and varied manifestations. 


Hence, ingesting any chemical that causes the brain—that exquisite organ—to initiate a diseased action is extremely dangerous for a man since it almost always results in a diseased mental action. A fever is a fever, whether it is mild or extremely scorching; similarly, any disruption of the reasonable equilibrium of the mind is insane, be it in the form of mild temporary blindness or in the shape of a completely devoid intellect. 

We write with a sincere intention to reveal the truth, not to further any particular viewpoint or to engage in politics. You have to believe everything because he views it as true, not just because we say it. Let him now calmly consider this insane topic. The term shocks us, and when we hear it, we almost feel compelled to express thanks to God for the wonderful gift of a sound mind. What would happen if this lovely equilibrium were to be upset for whatever reason, impairing one's ability to think rationally or restrain one's baser emotions? Should we go beyond the truth and claim that the individual experiencing this is insane only to the extent that he is unable to exercise logical self-control and that he becomes normal again once he does? 

According to this perspective, the issue of how harmful alcohol is takes on a new, more serious meaning. Do they cause disruption to the brain upon coming into contact with its substance and worsen it if the contact is prolonged? Absolutely, according to fact, observation, experience, and scientific research. We also know that if there is a disease in the brain, there will also be a disorder in the mind, and a disturbed mind is a crazy mind. Therefore, it is obvious that a man's mind is out of balance and that he is not a truly reasonable and sane individual to the extent that he temporarily or permanently damages his brain. 

Alcohol-related mental disturbances

We are simply keeping your thoughts in mind, so you have time to reflect and consider them from a rational and sensible standpoint. As long as he takes this step, he will be able to understand the actual significance of the data we will present next and feel its impact. 

Apart from alcohol, other substances can cause harm to the brain; nevertheless, none can match the severity, diversity, and malevolent nature of the mental distortions that ensue from its consumption. We are not talking carelessly or irrationally; rather, we are merely stating a fact that is common knowledge to all men of observation and that all men, particularly those who take this matter seriously in any way, ought to take to heart. It is not for us to explain why such horrible and devastating types of insanity should follow alcohol consumption, as they do. We know that they do adhere to it, and we humbly point out this fact. 

An additional factor that ought to be taken into account by all is the fact that no one can predict the kind of inheritance they have inherited from their ancestors. He may have inherited evil forces that have been dormant for many generations, waiting for favorable circumstances to activate them. They may remain inactive as long as they exercise reasonable self-control and preserve their life's natural order. However, if his brain becomes damaged or loses its equilibrium, a diseased psychic state may develop, igniting the evil powers that have been dormant for some time. 



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