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Homeopathic treatment for foul breath


Homeopathic treatment for foul breath

In the daily practice of medicine, complaints about offensive mouth odor are frequent. It mostly affects people who socialize with other people frequently. Most often, friends and relatives will notice bad breath, but occasionally the person with the bad breath will discover it on their own and visit the doctor. A lot of bad breathers experience sadness, which makes them withdraw from society and limits their activities.

The anaerobic bacteria in the mouth break down the protein in food waste. Bacterial activity can cause the release of some gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, skatol, and others, which can result in offensive odors. Bacterial growth is facilitated by the formation of a thin, sticky membrane on the tongue. Additionally, bacteria can be found in tooth cavities, dental pockets, tonsil crypts, and other places. foul breath is linked to various conditions such as dental caries, gingivitis, tonsillitis, tonsillar plaques, eating habits, water consumption, chewing tobacco, stomach and liver illnesses, and more.

German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is credited with introducing the homeopathic medical approach. Instead of treating diseased organs or portions of the body, homeopathy treats the sick person as a whole. For a long-term cure, a person's social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being are taken into account. According to this philosophy, every person possesses an unseen force called vital force, which can become deranged and lead to ailments. The vital force preserves the balance of the mind, body, and soul in a healthy state. The man will have typical feelings and operations. Signs and symptoms are the exterior manifestations that occur when the vital force is disrupted. Unbalanced bodily activities provide foreign organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, etc.) with a place to live and multiply, leading to the development of diseases. According to homeopathy, the true reason for a sickness lies beyond bacteria and viruses, hence treating the underlying cause is necessary for a long-term recovery. Only the aforementioned secondary reasons are eliminated by the antibacterial and antiviral medications.

Toxic morbific agents known as miasms—dynamic effects that alter the vital force—cause diseases. Three main types of malaria are PSORA, SYPHILIS, and SYCOSIS. Although recognized by several medical schools, these three reasons go by different names.

names. Psora results in disruptions to function, syphilis leads to structural alterations in the form of ruins, and sycosis results in modifications in the form of overgrowth. These three miasms can function separately or in concert to cause various illnesses.

It is simple to treat foul breath with homeopathic medicine as long as the right remedy is administered at the right dose. There are 140 homeopathic medications listed for poor breath in Dr. Robin Murphy's homeopathic medical repertory. Therefore, treating foul breath with a single medication might not be effective. Our ability to accurately diagnose and treat a patient's condition depends on knowing their symptomatology. It is the entirety of a person's symptoms, encompassing basic mental, bodily, and specific symptoms, among others. One classifies bad breath as a general bodily symptom. Even though it originates only from a portion of the body, it impacts the person as a whole.

Physical general symptoms include those about thirst, hunger, bowel movements, and other areas.

Every indication and symptom (physical and mental) of the individual is recorded in detail. Information regarding past illnesses, family medical histories, dietary and bowel habits, sensitivity to climate change, constitution, and other topics are recorded methodically.

Physical signs and symptoms:

Examples include bodily composition, thirst, hunger, aversions, bowel movements, urination, sleep patterns, taste perception, and the ability to release unusual feelings such as pain, burning, temperature fluctuations, and so forth.

Homeopathic treatment for foul breath

Odd and peculiar symptoms:

This is the homeopathic medical system's area of expertise. These symptoms are crucial in helping choose an appropriate treatment. The most frequent symptoms are those that virtually all patients experience.

specific/local symptoms and indicators:

This includes bodily part and organ-related indications and symptoms.

Examples of conditions taken into consideration are coatings on the tongue, the kind of mucous membrane in the oral cavity, tonsils, gums, teeth, ulcers, discolorations, etc.

Comprehensive and universal physical assessment:

Several systemic diseases can cause bad breath. Therefore, every system and part from the head to the foot should be checked, including the respiratory, digestive, neurological, and cardiovascular systems.

preliminary disease diagnosis: illnesses that are likely to occur are identified here. In homeopathy, the diagnosis of an illness is necessary for general care and prognosis but less crucial for choosing a remedy.

This covers laboratory testing as well as other techniques to identify any more serious conditions.


Corrective diagnosis:

When it comes to homeopathy, this is the most crucial section. To do this, the chosen symptoms are ranked in a methodical order according to significance.

To determine the significance of each symptom for the choice of treatment, symptoms are analyzed. The selection of remedies is based on similarities. The fundamental tenet of homeopathy is "similia similibus curenter," which translates to "like cures like."A medication that causes certain symptoms in a healthy man may be utilized to treat a diseased person's symptoms. Every homeopathic medication is tested on healthy individuals, and the symptoms gathered during this procedure—drug proving—are documented in the material media.]

A procedure known as repertorization is used to identify appropriate solutions. Books referred to as repertories are utilized here. A repertory is a list of symptoms found in materia medica, or books that list pharmacological symptoms. These days, computer software is employed for theater repertory. Through this method, we will obtain the remedies that address all of the patient's significant symptoms.

Among these therapies, the best one is chosen by consulting several books and the patient's medical history. The chosen medication is administered at the right dosage and potency.

Protection Against Miasmatic:

Miasms are the primary cause of sickness, and appropriate anti-miasmatic medications should be used to remove them. If the symptoms are comparable, all drugs can eliminate the miasm. Anti-psychic, anti-syphilitic, and anti-psychotic medications are available. To finish the cure, an appropriate anti-miasmatic medication must be used after the miasm has been diagnosed.

Homeopathic medicines are made from a variety of materials, including minerals, plants, animals, poisons, sick tissues, etc. These materials are turned into medicines using a unique procedure known as potentization. Here, the insoluble chemicals are ground with milk sugar and the soluble substances are made more strong by diluting with spirit. The raw medicinal ingredient is first combined with a measured amount of spirit and then stored in water for a few days. Mother tincture (denoted as Q) is the extract that is extracted from this mixture. Potentization is used to create tincture dilutions from this mother. Potentization is a mathematical procedure wherein the original drug's therapeutic potency increases but its amount decreases. The various scales for this technique vary based on the ratio of drug component to vehicle (milk sugar or spirit). Every scale has a unique potency that represents the medicinal power. Example in 3x and 6x decimal scale. Potency is indicated after the name of each medication. 12x ect. in centisimal scale there are 30c,200c ect. in LM poteny there are 0/1,0/2,0/3 ect.]

The same medication is offered in several strengths. Appropriate potency is chosen based on numerous factors, including severity, depth of disease, patient condition, disease nature, symptom kind, patient age, and more.

Some helpful homeopathic medications for foul breath:

Arnica montana, Ars alb, Antim crude, Asafoetida, Aurum met, Bryonia, Baptisia, Borax,Calc carb, Vegetable carb, Plantago, Pulsatilla, Phos, Pyrogen, Sulphur, Natrum mur, Lycopodium, Merc sol, Cinchona, Chelidonium, Graphites, Kali bich, Kreosotum, Lachesis, and so on.

1) Arnica montana:

This medication works well for foul breath. There's a severe dry mouth and a water craving. Fever-related bad breath. Gum bleeding could be the result of an accident or tooth extraction. Unpleasant gases go both up and down the stomach. The patient has bruises and tender spots all over their body and is extremely sensitive to touch.

2) Antim crude oil:

beneficial for bad breath, stomach issues, and coated tongue. This drug mostly affects filthy individuals who detest taking baths. The tongue is covered in white fur. Nostrils and lips are broken. There are putrid eructations. incredibly beneficial for kids with bad breath.

3) Ars alb:

Every discharge has a cadaveric odor. Saliva smells horrible and is bloody. There is a clear thirst for warm water. This medication works well in those who are weak and malnourished. Associated with stomach issues is bad breath. food and drink intolerance, including vomiting from the smallest amount of veggies and watery fruits. These patients have an insecure sensation and are meticulous in their minds. They are restless and anxious, fearing death or a catastrophic illness.

4) Asafoetida:

helpful for eructations-related bad breath.large dilation of the abdomen and a feeling as though a ball is swelling in the neck. Every release is offensive. Reverse peristalsis while erupting loudly. This medication works well for hysterics.

5) Aurum was present:

helpful when a female reaches adolescence with terrible breath. Gum ulceration with an unpleasant or putrid taste is present. These patients have bone loss and other tissue destruction. Those who are suicidal thinking but are tired of life respond nicely to this medication. They also believe that what they did was an unforgivable act.

6) Confirmation:

unpleasant taste and fetid breath. Gums become painful and blistered. The center of the tongue has a coating of yellowish brown with shimmering edges. The tongue's surface is fractured. It seems difficult for these patients to swallow solid food. The tonsils grow but do not hurt. Effective for foul-smelling pharyngitis and painless tonsillitis. Every release is offensive. This medication works wonders for people with besotted looks. These people have a propensity toward delirium and stupor.

7) Borax:

beneficial for foul breath brought on by an oral pylorus ulcer.Also beneficial for oral fungal infections. The lips are soft and quite heated. Cuts bleed when touched. Extremely helpful for youngsters with oral ulcers who have poor breath. The youngster is afraid of moving backward.

8) Bryonia:

Those who are irritable and constantly discuss business. lips that were cracked and dried out.Dark brown tongue wrapped in a bitter aftertaste. A strong need for a lot of cold water is evident. feeling bloated after eating. often experiencing constipation and stiff, dry feces.

9) Fluorine in calcium:

The tonsil crypts are constantly filled with mucus plugs. abnormally loose teeth, either in or out of pain. inclined to develop discolored caries. The tonsils are swollen and frequently infected.

10) Carbohydrate vegetables:

These patients are crippled and feeble. Every bodily secretion smells strongly like cadaveric. Gums bleed readily and retract. recurrent abdominal distention accompanied by foul eructations. Flatus alleviated the problems.cannot stand fat and meat.nighttime diarrhea that is not voluntary.Desires to be held close to be fanned.

 11) Chelidonium:

yellow tongue with a tooth impression.a foul smell and a harsh aftertaste. beneficial for liver-related complaints of bad breath.a craving for heated drinks. Eating makes the patient feel better. firm, spherical feces associated with constipation. diarrhea and constipation that alternates.

12) Graphite:

Patients with skin problems who are fat respond effectively to this medication. Urine is the smell of breath. rotten smell accompanied by salivation and tongue sores.sour eructations accompanied by stomach discomfort. skin issues accompanied by sticky secretions. Eating relieves gastric pain.

13) Kali Bich:

stomach ulcer along with bad breath. The mouth has circular ulcers on it. viscid saliva. throwing up bitter vomit. The tongue is fluid. longs for a bear.Rheumatism and gastric symptoms alternate.

14. Kreosotum:

Dark and crumbling teeth.unpleasant taste and foul smell in the mouth. teeth decaying quite quickly. Every discharge is quite offensive. Gums are brittle and can bleed. Gastrointestinal problems and bad breath are linked.

15) Lachesis:

This medication works on gloomy, restless, jealous patients. The tongue has a black color. Sleep is when complaints worsen. long-range fanning is desired.cannot stand having their body tightly covered. Hot weather exacerbates complaints.

16) Lycopodium:

Be kind to intellectual yet physically frail people. They lack confidence in themselves. beneficial for burning in the throat and sour eructations brought on by poor breath. Extremely painful to touch teeth. The tongue has sores on it. desires warm beverages and food. These folks typically have constipation. craving clearly defined sweets.

17) Merc sol:

Saliva has a viscous blood taste and leaves a sweetish metallic aftertaste. Gum bleeds readily and is spongy. My mouth feels wet, and my thirst is growing. teeth recessed. decay in the tooth's crown. The entire room smells like a fetid mouth stench. oral ulcers that are bleeding. Every bodily expulsion is offensive. At night, all ailments become more severe.

18) Nux vomica:

Those who have sedentary lives respond favorably to this medication. They have extremely short fuse and are easily agitated. They work long hours and relish the modern conveniences of a civilized lifestyle, including a wide variety of food and beverages. After eating and in the morning, bad breath is more common. The tongue's anterior is clean while the posterior is coated. Nausea with a sour taste in the mouth dawn. They frequently feel the need to urinate. After eating, there is a heavy feeling in the abdomen.

19) Plantago:

acute toothache accompanied by dental caries. Eating relieves pain. Eating improves salivation. gum edema along with toothache. Gargling with plantago Q can help relieve caries-related toothaches.

20) Pulsatilla:

Be kind and considerate to ladies who have a receptive attitude. The patient tends to cry and is rather shy. Most people notice bad breath in the morning. Although extremely dry, the mouth refuses to drink water. A thick layer of mucus covers a tongue that is yellow or white. Taste is changed. Food tastes linger in the mouth for a very long time. The patient often washes their mouth.

21) Psorinum:

Handle filthy and malodorous patients with care. The main cause of these individuals' foul breath is the hawking up of tacky, pea-like balls of foul taste and smell. There is a lot of unpleasant saliva swelling in the tonsils. Quinsy's throat was full of thick mucous. Every bodily excretion is dirty. A turturation tastes like spoiled eggs. Extremely ravenous, waking up at midnight to eat. It hurts to swallow and hurts in the ears.

22) Pyrogen:

With this medication, septic-related bad breath is treated. Tasted extremely foul, had terrible breath, and had a red, dry tongue that seemed polished. An elevated temperature and coffee grounds vomiting are linked to bad breath. Patients' bodies are often extremely sensitive to touch, and they are unable to sleep in bed due to agony from bruises. Every release is offensive.

23) Sulfur:

This medication works best on unclean and untidy individuals who have an offensive odor and a propensity for skin conditions. Bright red, blistering lips that dry out.White tongue with crimson borders and tips.morning taste of bitterness. Putrid eructations occur. burning throughout the entire body. An obvious aversion to taking a bath exists. They don't care about personal hygiene and continue to think they possess superhuman abilities. These people are extremely self-centered.

Certain home mother tinctures (Q) are effective against foul breath.

[Mother tincture should not be taken internally or gargled; instead, mix 10 drops with half a glass of water and take internally to avoid a burning sensation]

1) Cinnamon Q: After diluting with water, this mother tincture can be used for gargling.Also helpful for gum bleeding.

2) Eucalyptus Q: After diluting with water, this tincture can be used as a mouthwash. This medication, when taken internally, helps clear the respiratory tract of mucus. Also beneficial for coryza and colds.

3) Zingiber Q: Beneficial for foul breath brought on by stomach issues. This medication may facilitate better digestion. For gargling, as well.

4) Rhus glabra Q: This tincture can be gargled to treat ulcerative lesions in the mouth, such as aphthous ulcers. When taken internally, this tincture helps lessen the unpleasant odor of flatus and feces.

5) Oleum caryophyllum Q: This tincture can ease tooth pain when gargled. Its fragrant characteristic makes it a great tool for minimizing foul breath.

6) Balsamum Peru Q: This remedy is excellent for treating lung abscesses and chronic bronchitis since it may clear mucus from the respiratory tract. Gargling this tincture can help heal mouth ulcers and release a pleasant scent from the mouth.

7) Menthol Q: A key ingredient in syrups and tonics. This tincture can be gargled to lessen foul breath.



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