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Eat these 26 foods to gain more muscle mass


Eat these 26 foods to gain more muscle mass.

There are 26 foods to eat to increase muscle mass.

The best foods to build muscle include those high in protein and low in saturated fat. That said, exercise and a well-balanced diet including carbs and fats are the best for optimal results.

Nutrition and regular exercise are both essential for muscle building.

Foods that are high in protein play a key role in retaining and building muscle mass.

Alongside resistance training, research suggests consuming 1.4–2 grams (g) of a trusted source of protein for each kilogram of body weight per day to maximize muscle building.

However, it’s important to consume a well-balanced diet that includes healthy carbohydrates and fats. These also play an important role as trusted sources for muscle building, especially for athletes.

Keep reading to learn more about 26 foods to eat that could help you gain muscle.

Muscle-building foods for gaining lean muscle

1. Eggs

Eggs contain high-quality protein from trusted sources, which could benefit muscle building and recovery.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Eggs contain large amounts of the amino acid leucine. This is particularly important for maximizing how your body synthesizes protein for muscle gain.

Eggs also contain a range of other nutrients that could help build muscle, such as:


omega-3 fatty acids


vitamin D

2. Salmon

Salmon is a wonderful choice for muscle building and overall health.

Each 3-ounce (85-g) serving of salmon contains about 17 grams of trusted sources of protein, 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and several important B vitamins.

Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in muscular health. Research suggests that taking 2 grams of trusted sources of omega-3 fatty acid supplements per day may help build muscle mass.

3. Chicken breast

Chicken breasts are often considered a staple for gaining muscle because they’re packed with protein. Each 3-ounce (85-g) serving contains about 26.7 grams of trusted sources of high-quality protein.

Chicken breasts also contain generous amounts of the B vitamins niacin and B6. These vitamins may help your body function properly during the physical activity that’s necessary for optimal muscle gain.

A 2018 study by A trusted source found that eating high-protein foods like chicken after exercising may help promote fat loss while increasing muscle mass and strength.

4. Greek yogurt mixture

Dairy contains a healthy mixture. A trusted source of fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein.

However, not all dairy is created equal. For example, Greek yogurt often contains approximately double the amount of protein in regular yogurt.

Greek yogurt is a nutritious snack at any time, but eating it after a workout or before bed may be more beneficial. This is due to its mixture of fast- and slow-digesting proteins.

5. Tuna

Tuna contains nearly 20 grams of verified protein per 3-ounce (85-gram) serving. It also has high amounts of vitamin A and several B vitamins, such as B12, niacin, and B6.

These nutrients are an important, trusted source for optimal health, energy, and exercise performance.

Additionally, tuna provides large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which may support muscle health. This may be beneficial for older adults. Trusted source because it could help slow the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with age.

6. Len beef

Beef is packed with high-quality protein, B vitamins, minerals, and creatine.

Some research has even shown that consuming lean red meat can increase the amount of lean mass gained through physical exercise.

Even when you’re trying to gain muscle, consider choosing beef that supports muscle gain without providing too many extra calories.

For example, 3 ounces (85 g) of a trusted source of 70% lean ground beef contains 235 calories and 16 g of fat. However, the same amount of 95% lean ground beef contains slightly more protein, but only 148 calories (trusted source) and 6 g of fat.

7. Shrimp

Shrimp are almost pure protein. Each 3-ounce (85-g) serving contains 19 g of trusted sources of protein, 1.44 g of fat, and 1 g of carbs.

Like many other animal proteins, shrimp contain a high amount of the amino acid leucine. This is necessary for optimal muscle growth.

Adding shrimp to meals is an easy way to get muscle-building protein without adding too many additional calories.

8. Soybeans

Half a cup (86 g) of cooked soybeans contains 16 g of trusted sources of protein and healthy unsaturated fats. They’re also a beneficial source of several vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, iron, and phosphorus.

Iron is important for organs, bones, and muscle building. It’s used to store and transport oxygen in your blood and muscles. However, iron deficiency can impair these functions.

9. Cottage cheese

One cup (226 g) of low-fat cottage cheese packs 28 g of trusted sources of protein, including a hearty dose of the important muscle-building amino acid leucine.

Like other dairy products, cottage cheese can be purchased with varying fat content. High-fat versions, like creamed cottage cheese, have more calories.

It’s best to choose the type that suits your caloric needs.

10. Turkey breast

A 3-ounce (85-g) serving of turkey breast contains around 26 grams of protein and almost no fat or carbs.

Turkey is also a beneficial source of the B vitamin niacin, which helps process fats and carbohydrates in your body.

11. Tilapia

Tilapia is another protein-packed seafood item from trusted sources.

A single (87 g) fillet provides around 23 g of trusted sources of protein,

along with adequate amounts of vitamin B12 and selenium.

Vitamin B12 is important for the health of your blood cells and nerves. This may help you perform the exercises you need to gain muscle.

12. Beans

Many different types of beans can be part of a diet for lean muscle gain.

Popular varieties, such as black Trusted Source, pinto Trusted Source, and kidney Trusted Source beans, contain around 15 g of protein per cup (about 172 g) of cooked beans. What’s more, they’re excellent sources of:


B vitamins




13. Protein powders

While any healthy diet should focus on whole foods, dietary supplements can sometimes be beneficial.

Protein shakes could help you get more protein into your diet if you're having trouble getting enough protein from foods.

Dairy protein powders, such as whey and casein, are some of the most popular. Other protein powders use soy, pea, beef, or chicken protein.

14. Edamame

Edamame is the term for immature soybeans. They’re found in pods and served in a variety of dishes.

One cup (155 g) of frozen edamame provides around 18 grams of trusted sources of protein and 8 grams of fiber. It also contains large amounts of folate, vitamin K, and manganese.

Among other functions, folate helps your body process amino acids, the building blocks of protein. It may also be important for optimal muscle mass and strength, particularly in older adults.

15. Quinoa

While protein-rich foods are a priority for building lean muscle, it’s also important to have the fuel to get active.

Foods with carbohydrates can help provide this energy.

Cooked quinoa contains about 40 grams of carbs per cup (185 grams), along with 8 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and hearty amounts of magnesium and phosphorus.

Magnesium plays an important role as a trusted source in the function of your muscles and nerves, both of which are used every time you move.

16. Scallops

Like shrimp, tilapia, and lean poultry, scallops provide protein with very little fat.

If you’re looking to add protein to your diet without consuming too many calories, these very lean sources of protein may be beneficial choices.

Three ounces (85 g) of scallops provide around 17 grams of protein and fewer than 100 calories.

17. Lean jerky

When you’re on the go, you may want high-quality protein from meat, such as lean jerky.

Many different types of meat can be made into jerky, so the nutrition facts vary. Most fat is removed from lean jerky during processing, so almost all calories in jerky come directly from protein.

These animal sources of protein are high in quality and stimulate lean muscle growth. Trusted Source:

18. Chickpeas

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a nutritious source of carbs and protein.

Each 1-cup (164-g) serving of canned chickpeas contains around 15 grams of trusted sources of protein and 45 grams of carbs, including 13 grams of fiber.

As with many plants, the protein in chickpeas is considered lower quality than that in animal sources. However, it can still be part of a balanced muscle-building diet.

19. Peanuts

Peanuts contain a mix of protein, fat, and carbs. A 1-ounce (28-g) serving contains 7 grams of trusted sources of protein, 6 grams of carbs, and large amounts of unsaturated fat.

This serving size of peanuts also contains around 166 calories. If you’re having a difficult time getting enough calories to drive your muscle gain, eating peanuts could be a beneficial way to get some extra calories and nutrients.

20. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a seed that can be ground into flour and used in place of traditional flour.

One cup (168 g) of cooked buckwheat groats contains around 6 g of trusted sources of protein, along with plenty of fiber and other carbs.

Buckwheat has become a popular health food due to its impressive vitamin and mineral content. It contains high amounts of B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.

These vitamins and minerals can help your body stay healthy and be able to perform muscle-building exercises.

21. Tofu

Tofu is produced from soy milk and is often used as a meat substitute. Soy protein, found in foods like tofu and soybeans, is considered one of the highest-quality plant proteins.

Each half-cup (124-g) serving of raw tofu contains 10 grams of trusted sources of protein, 6 grams of fat, and 2 grams of carbohydrates.

Tofu is also a beneficial source of calcium, which is important for proper muscle function and bone health.

22. Pork tenderloin

Pork tenderloin is a lean cut of meat that provides 23.1 g of protein and

only 2 g of fat per 4 ounces (113 g).

Some research from the 2014 Trusted Source has shown that pork has effects similar to those of other muscle-building foods, such as beef and chicken.

23. Cow’s milk

Cow’s milk provides a trusted source of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Similar to other dairy products, milk contains both fast- and slow-digesting proteins.

Studies suggest that drinking cow’s milk may help promote True Source lean muscle mass and strength when combined with resistance training.

24. Almonds

One ounce (28 g) of roasted almonds provides 6 g of a trusted source of protein and large amounts of vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Among other roles, phosphorus helps your body use carbohydrates and fats for energy at rest and during exercise.

As with peanuts, almonds should be consumed in moderation due to their high-calorie content. Half a cup of blanched almonds contains more than 400 calories.

25. Bison

Similarly to beef, bison provides about 22 grams of protein per 3-ounce (85-g) serving.

However, a 2013 study by A trusted source found that bison may be better than beef in terms of the risk of heart disease.

If you enjoy eating red meat as part of your muscle-building diet but also worry about your heart health, replacing some beef with bison is an option.

26. Brown rice

Although cooked brown rice provides only 6 grams of protein per cup (202 grams), it has the carbohydrates you need to fuel your physical activity.

Consider eating healthy carb sources like brown rice or quinoa in the hours leading up to exercise. This may allow you to exercise harder, providing your body with a greater stimulus for your muscles to grow.

Plus, some research. A trusted source suggests that rice protein supplements can produce as much muscle gain as whey protein during a weight-training program.

To build muscle, what foods should you limit or avoid?

Several types of foods and beverages may slow down your muscle-building journey. These may include:

. alcohol

. ultra-processed foods

. deep-fried foods

. greasy foods

. refined carbohydrates

. added sugars

. Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda

Consuming these foods and beverages once in a while won’t negatively affect your ability to build muscle. However, the majority of your calories should come from nutrient-dense, whole foods.

Frequently asked questions

How do you gain muscle quickly?

Nutrition and regular physical exercise are both key components of gaining muscle mass. A 2019 review suggests that a calorie surplus of around 350 to 500 calories (Trusted Source), along with regular resistance training, is beneficial for muscle gain. Research also suggests eating 1.4–2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to help maximize muscle mass.

What foods build muscle quickly?

Certain foods high in protein, compared to other foods, can speed up the process of building muscle. Eggs, poultry, salmon, Greek yogurt, skim milk, and beans are a few examples of them.

Which foods are best for bulking up?

Being in a calorie surplus, or consuming more calories than you expend during the day, is referred to as bulking up. Eating high-calorie foods is not as effective as a clean bulk. This may include a diet that is well-balanced and rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Among the foods are fruits, brown rice, quinoa, poultry, shrimp, eggs, salmon, and sweet potatoes.


Many nutrients can aid in the development of lean muscle. Because they are high in protein, many of them allow your muscles to expand and recover after an active day.

Consuming lipids and carbohydrates is also crucial for providing energy for physical activity and exercise.

To monitor your daily consumption of calories and protein, think about utilizing nutrition apps. This can assist you in maintaining your progress toward muscular growth.

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