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Experts Won't Tell You These 10 Tried-and-True Weight Loss Methods


Experts Won't Tell You These 10 Tried-and-True Weight Loss Methods


Contrary to popular belief, you don't necessarily need to monitor calories or restrict carbohydrates to change your physique. If feeling fitter is your objective, several sustainable and healthful techniques help minimize bloating without denying yourself the occasional bagel or bowl of ice cream. Furthermore, specialists clarify that losing weight is not the same as losing fat.

While losing residual water weight is reasonably simple (working out is one of our favorite methods), those who want to completely alter their body composition might need to consider a more long-term strategy for weight management. Here, we spoke with a few experts to get the lowdown on some of the greatest tips and tricks for increasing metabolism while completely changing your food and exercise regimen.

10. Before every meal, sip on two glasses of water.

As nutritionist Lauren Slayton, M.S., R.D., founder of Foodtrainers in New York City, puts it, "It sounds counterintuitive, but you need to drink water to lose water," reports. Slayton advises front-loading your meals with two cups of H2O for "maximum appetite reduction—it'll make you feel full and help you eat less," in addition to consuming at least 64 ounces of water each day. Vanessa Packer Ru, the creator of Model Fit and holistic nutritionist, concurs, saying, "Avoid drinking seltzer and sparkling water, as they may cause bloating."

9. Lessen bloating.

It's possible that a few pounds of water can make all the difference between feeling bloated and slim. Doctor Jeffrey A. Morrison, the creator of the Morrison Center in New York City, states that "your body can retain up to five pounds of extra fluid regularly." He advises drinking teas that eliminate water, such as dandelion or fennel, in addition to your usual water intake, since water is essential for optimum health. Other de-bloating elixirs endorsed by experts? Aim for a celery-centric concoction from your neighborhood juice bar and take 500 mg of parsley twice a day in capsule form.

8. Aim for a minimum of eight hours of sleep.

"When you get seven-and-a-half to eight hours of sleep, your body is more equipped to get rid of stress hormones, and your metabolism improves," Morrison says. He adds that taking a daily vitamin D3 supplement can enhance weight loss by improving sleep quality. One notion is that hunger hormones rise when D3 levels are low, while the body's natural sleep aid, melatonin, functions better when D3 levels are adequate. Additionally, Slayton advises taking 2,000 international units, or IUs, of D3 every day.

7. Consider having dinner early.

Author of The Diet Detox Brooke Alpert, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., advises eating a full meal no later than two hours before bed to allow your body enough time to digest it, which improves sleep quality in the end. According to experts, the majority of people require seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and any less could eventually negatively impact their appetite. "Your metabolism may alter so much that you crave more processed carbohydrates after just one night of sleep deprivation, which can lead to overeating," advises David Ludwig, M.D., an endocrinologist and nutrition professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.

6. Steer clear of processed meals.

When cutting back on processed foods, avoid the obvious offenders like chips, cookies, and candies, as well as anything that comes pre-packaged, such as canned goods and energy drinks, which may be loaded with added sugar and sodium. Morrison advises using whole grain bread as an alternative because it is likely to be less processed and because white flour has little nutritional benefit when used to make basic foods.

Even though it would be difficult to decline sharing a cheese plate, experts claim that temporarily foregoing dairy products can also be beneficial. "Foods that provide the most volume for your calories—think fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups—help you feel more satisfied both physically and mentally," says Barbara J. Rolls, who oversees Pennsylvania State University's laboratory for the study of human ingestive behavior.

5. Develop Your Core

It is usually a good idea to strengthen the natural corset muscles in your body. Expert trainer Gunnar Peterson advises using this easy yet effective plank routine daily. Peterson has worked with celebrities such as Khloé Kardashian and Sofia Vergara.

Assume a plank position at a distance of no more than arm's length from a wall, with your forearms on the floor, your glutes and core engaged, and your legs straight.

As many times as you can in a minute, alternately touch the wall with each hand while keeping your core centered and without swaying.

Five times over, repeat. The objective? "Every round, tap the wall more times than you did previously," Peterson says.

4. Give up alcohol.

According to Slayton, drinking alcohol might cause you to retain more fluids in addition to having an impact on your sleep, which can also impair metabolism and cause food cravings. "You don't burn any other fat or calories until your body rids itself of that 100-, 200-, or 300-calorie cocktail, so you're putting yourself behind in terms of calorie-burning from the start," she explains.

3. Employ HIIT or high-intensity interval training.

While your favorite spinning class may undoubtedly aid in burning calories, it probably won't have the same impact on your metabolism as high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. HIIT workouts increase the ante when it comes to losing excess weight by maintaining a high heart rate and coordinating brief bursts of intense exercise with shortened rest intervals. New York City personal trainer Oliver Lee suggests attempting this adaptable exercise routine:

Try to complete each exercise in 40 seconds at maximum speed and intensity, with a 20-second break in between. Repeat steps four through six times.

1-swift footwork.

2-180-degree leaps from a squat.

3-To sidekick, squat, and switch legs.

4-Two push-ups into four climbers on a mountain.

5-Finish with shoulder-tap burpees, which include jumping into the air after landing in a plank position and touching each shoulder four times with the opposing hand.

2- Eat more fiber and protein.

As they take longer to digest, proteins and fiber help to balance blood sugar levels and keep you feeling fuller for longer, says Alpert. Apart from feeling more at ease and concentrated all around, is there another advantage to staying full? It's easier to maintain your exercise objectives as you're not as prone to idly nibbling on snacks and indulgences. Here are some quick supper ideas we adore for more inspiration: For breakfast, try chia pudding with berries; for lunch, try a green salad with shrimp; and for supper, try wild salmon paired with roasted cauliflower.

1- Take into account sporadic fasting.

Research has demonstrated that eating just during a certain window of time, or intermittent fasting, can have significant health benefits. However, some people may find it difficult to consistently follow this practice. Time-restricted nutrition, according to Alpert, involves fasting for 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast. "Eating dinner earlier gives you a metabolic boost, and you won't be tempted because you're sleeping during the fast," she continues.

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